The important thing is to learn to let go of the past and recognize that every day won't be sunny. and when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember it's only in the black of night that you can see the stars.. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall cause most of the time the greatest rewaeds come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you don't will get everything you wish for but who know where life will take you? The road is long, and in the end, the journey is the destination..
Postat av: JOI
whitey :/
Postat av: ämma
jaaa.. han e så coool
Postat av: Anonym
visst han äger nästan rubbet
Postat av: Anonym
Japp.. känner att serien tar över mitt liv mer och mer.. och jag funta på att aldrig sluta kolla på serien. FÖR JAG GILLARÄÄ